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Sunday, May 24, 2009 . 10:02 AM

I was so absolutely amazed as I read those devotions that I have shared about my journey with God for the past three years in my university life. I could not help but was truely grateful to God as I recounted back on every single grace and favour that he has blessed me with. First of all, let me gave thanks to God for blessing me with an A- in my Final Year Project and Professional Communication module. This was indeed a significant encouragement to me as it testified of God’s faithfulness and grace.

I prayed that even as you read this testimony, God will speaks deeply to your heart that you too can experience and taste God’s goodness in your life. The time when I started my university studies also marked the time when I came to know the Lord, Jesus Christ. It was definitely not a smooth sailing journey for me as I started off with lots of struggling in my studies and even received an academic warning from the school due to extreme poor grades in my first semester. As I just came to know the lord, I did not know how to tap on God’s strength and neither leading a positive attitude for Christ. I always seemed to be handling negative thoughts that I could not do well in my exams and often fell into a self-pity mode. It was definitely a battle of my mind and emotions.

However, due to the spirit of obedience that the lord has blessed me with, I was disciplined in the words of God. It was not a hundred percents consistency in my daily quiet time but at least I could assure that I did not abandon the bible or miss out the church services. And as all of us are human beings, it was normal that at times when we faced stress during trials, we tend to reduce our trust in the lord and try to rely on our own flesh. This happened to me countless time when I seemed to fall into the valley of Baca and experienced the silent moment from God, not knowing that he has a plan for me and was moulding me in terms of my trust and faith in him.

To shorten my testimony, definitely not because of little miracles along my journey but too much to list it down one by one that it could be compiled into a book, I will straight away shared with you my victory in the last episode of my university life. Throughout my three years, I have being faithfully serving God whenever I am called by my leader but this year was more special as I was given the opportunity to be part of the celebration ministry in the church. It was a step of great faith for me because this year was also considered the most hectic year in my studies due to my final year project. However, God has burned in my heart a passion to serve in the chorale and as such I was having my rehearsal on a weekly basis which means sacrificing more time from my project. Initially, it was not easy as I separated serving God with my studies and most of my non-believer friends do not understand why am I committing those precious time in church activities. The breakthrough came when I was called to volunteer to serve in the G12 conference and it was only one week before my final report submission. It was a struggle as I have not even started with one page of the report in which was supposed to be done eight months ago. However, I did not want to miss out the opportunity to serve in the chorale for G12. Without considering much, I went ahead and was thinking at the back of my mind that I can be a superwomen using one week to finish up an eight months report. I went with peace and joy in the serving but after the G12 conference, I panicked and realized that it was impossible for me to complete my report on time.

It was really a moment when I decided to skip my QT (but it didn’t apply before G12) so that I could earn extra time in the report. Things didn’t go smoothly and I faced extreme critical situation when I did not have a proper laptop to type my report and my file always seemed to have trouble saving or retrieving. It was only at that stressful moment when God showed me 2 Cronicles 20:17-18 in which I have shared in my previous devotion. The lord prompted me to take up my position to worship and praise him before I continued with my report just like how Jehoshaphat and his people followed God’s instruction to take their position (worship) and calm themselves down before facing their enemies. They fixed their focus on God rather then the situation and that was what I needed at that moment.

I turned my focus onto God and started to surrender my situation to him. I applied what God has showed me and begun to worship and praise him at the start and in the midst of typing my report. As I started to integrate worships and praises into my work, my burden was lifted off and my faith was gradually stirred up in trusting God even though the situation remained unchanged. God’s favor was indeed upon me as my professor agreed to extend my deadline to two more weeks upon request. I continued to serve chorale weekly and my QT did not cease. I tapped onto God’s strength in my report and eventually situation started to change. I found efficiency and effectiveness in my researching and before long; I realized that I had completed my report. Although it was not a professional report but I trust God that the product of my report belongs to him and it was definitely not because of how good I am, but by his grace and mercy that led me to the completion of the report. I put total confidence in him as I experienced how much he had pulled me through the tough situation and no matter what was the outcome; I would still continued to praise him. I learnt to release my faith and by doing that God was able to release his good work in me.

God was indeed faithful as he really blessed me with an A- in my FYP. It was a miracle for me as this was the third As that I have obtained throughout my three years in NTU. I cried the moment I saw the A- in my result slip not because I never see it before but it was a sign of God’s love to me. At times when I choose to give up, he never let me go but ensure that I can stand firm as a precious child of God.

I ended the race with victory because of God’s faithfulness. He does not only blessed me with one A- but also blessed me with an A- in my professional communication module. It was indeed a double portion of blessing. This encouraged me a lot because I had little confidence in that module due to my weakness in my English language. However, that’s not true for God. He created me wonderfully, not lacking in any part and he strengthen my weaknesses as I placed my uttermost confidence in him. Glory to God!

Therefore, I encouraged all of you to fix your eyes upon Jesus. You are his precious children and there is nothing that can withhold him from blessing you. The process may be slow but that was how God showed his miracle to Elijah in 1 King 18:42-45. God promised an abundance of rain to Elijah and he went up to the top of Mount carmel, got down on his knees with his forehead to the ground. In that position of worship, he sent his servant to run back and forth several times to check if it was going to rain. However, seven times his servant came back with disappointing results. Elijah never gave up but just said, “Go again” despite the negative reports. Doubts may have caused Elijah to give up but worship kept him strong. And finally, the servant came back and reported to him,” Well, I do see one small cloud about the size of a man’s hand.” Hallelujah! The small cloud eventually increased and brought abundance of rain. Today if your faith is as small as the cloud of the man’s hand or of the mustard seed, do not give up as God’s love and faithfulness can never fail!

I am currently finishing my last lap of university life with Michelle in our final year project. This coming Wednesday is our most crucial and final presentation of our project which we had been working on for the past eight months. It’s a tough journey but as I reflected back every single moment of hardship in the challenges we faced, I really praised God as in those challenges, God mould me to learn to persevere and be dependent on him totally.

At this timing, actually I should be touching up on my presentation slides and speech but something which the lord showed me during these few weeks as I meditated on my QT indeed allowed me to set this time aside to share a revelation which I felt is important to each and everyone of us as we prepared ourselves for an upcoming battle and for me this battle is definitely my presentation.

In 2 Chronicles 20:17-18,
17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, O Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.' " 18 Jehoshaphat bowed with his face to the ground, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down in worship before the LORD. 19 Then some Levites from the Kohathites and Korahites stood up and praised the LORD, the God of Israel, with very loud voice.
In our battle against our spiritual enemies (fear, stress, worries etc) our position is in Christ. It is resting in him in worship and praise.

When you are faced with a fearful situation and don’t know what to do, follow the instructions God gave Jehoshaphat and his people. Take your position (worship) and calm yourself down. Turn your focus on God.

What is interesting in this scripture is that in the time when Jehoshaphat knew that he was going to face a large vast of his enemies, he took out his time to worship God first. The question is, “How many of us in time when we knew that we are going to face a challenges or a fearful situation, take out the precious time to worship and praise God first?”

I was thinking what were the thoughts that Jehoshaphat’s people had on him at that moment. They must be feeling real fearful, knowing that at any time their enemies were going to attack them and they must be filled with lots of insecurity. They may not fully understand why Jehoshaphat still could set aside that critical time to worship the lord but they obeyed and followed him.

Take note!! The worship started before the battle and not after the battle. This was because it was a worship of deliverance.

Further down the scripture, we witness the answer as in verse 22,

22 As they began to sing and praise, the LORD set ambushes against the men of Ammon and Moab and Mount Seir who were invading Judah, and they were defeated. 23 The men of Ammon and Moab rose up against the men from Mount Seir to destroy and annihilate them. After they finished slaughtering the men from Seir, they helped to destroy one another.

That’s the power of worship! It’s a worship to deliver them from their enemies as the battle belongs to the lord and as they worshiped the lord fight the battle for them.

Therefore, I encouraged all of us especially for those who were taking their exam during this period. Time for revision may be short but take out some times before your exam to set your posture in worships and praises to the lord and witness how he can deliver all fear from you and assist you in victory over your battle!

Thursday, May 14, 2009 . 1:45 AM

I'm feeling so refreshed after attending the prayer meeting at Expo. I was glad to serve in the chorale today as initially was still handling thoughts of deciding whether to serve.

But as I'm making the decision, three questions popped out in my mind this morning on why am I thinking of not serving:

(1) Are you feeling unwell today?

(2) Are you going for the prayer meeting today?

(3) Do you want to miss out the opportunity of being involve in taking part in God serving commitee?

My Answer to each of the question is:

(1) No. I'm feeling perfectly fit today and not feeling any single bit of tireness.

(2) Yes. I'm going for the prayer meeting.

(3) I really want to serve God in every given opportunity.

Then, why am I handling those thoughts of not serving chorale? Isn't the answer obvious? Its a YES to serve in the chorale today.

I'm a person who thinks a lot and sometimes I think the Holy Spirit really need to poke those bubbles floating out of my brain which contain all the senseless and redundant thoughts that not only kill my precious brain cells but increase my worries and destroy the peace in me.

In this season, I'm learning to think and focus only on what is useful and beneficial in my spiritual growth and not to entertain on those unnecessary thinkings which can affect my emotion as well as hindering my growth in the lord.

I need to be discipline in my quiet time on meditating on the words so that it can provide the vitamins to my spiritual growth and guard my heart, mind and spirit. It is not easy as i'm quite a slacker and tend to be tempted to do the things that I enjoyed such as sleeping, watching TV and playing computer games.

In order to ensure that i'm discipline in my daily QT, I have decided to blog my devotion at least three times per week. It may seemed easy for some of you but definitely not that easy for me. Therefore, I wished to start simple with three postings on my blog per week and slowly incresed until I can blog on a daily basis. This should help to keep an account of my daily QT.

Friday, May 8, 2009 . 11:56 PM

Recently, I bought a CD through the recommendation of one of my spiritual brothers, titled "CompassionART". It was an amazing and heart-touching worship CD because it gathered 15 wonderful songs inspired by 12 famous artists such as Tim Hughes, Joel Houston, Micheal W.Smith and many more. What touches my heart is not only about how great the songs were but the journey on the production of this CD.

It all started with Martin from the band Delirious? to gather 12 wonderful song writers over the world to have a retreat in scotland where this retreat is not the usual type of retreat in which we always enjoy. It was a retreat where God's people gathered and by faith to be used by God in their area of talent to come out with 15 worship songs to cry out for the justice for the poor and needy in the world.

I was extremely encouraged by how each and everyone of them threw aside their agenda and came together with one vision to work for the impossible and humble themselves down to seek the lord on composing songs that are going to help the poorest of the poor.

One of their tag line, " It's impossible to call ourselves worshippers and not be moved in the area of justice" had showed how much they were willing to be used as a vessel for God. There are many great worshippers in the world today and I had no doubt on how God had moved uniquely and impact each of their life but how many could actually stand up like these 12 worshippers to sing for justice and shake the nation. I was greatly inspired by them even as I meditate on the lyrics of their song. It touches my heart deeply.

I have never being to any of the poor countries and could not personally witness the suffering of the poors in those countries but through the documentry that they film had really broken my heart especially when one of the artists said, "The parents among those poors don't even name their child cos they don't even know how long they can survive". Its so so sad to hear that. Can you imagine a parent bringing the joy of a new life into the world but couldn't afford to feed them and have to watch them die from starvation and diseases because of poor sanitary in their countries. I thanks God and felt so fortunate in where I am now... having more than enough of food for my daily three meals, new clothes to wear and even school to attend. What about them? I prayed that indeed more open doors will be opened up to let people aware of the situation in these poor countries so that justice can be cry out for them, opening up doors for more volunteers to go and bless them in their needs. I too pray that I can have the opportunity one day to go and bless these poors in the world. Although, I don't have the ability right now to visit or help them, but what I can do is to pray for them in every of my prayer and grace before food.

I encouraged you all to purchase this compassionART CD as a form of support for their this project to carry on, touching the heart of people in the world to help the poorest of the poor.

Sunday, March 22, 2009 . 1:57 AM

"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect."
- 1 Peter 1:18-19

Before attending the G12 Conference, Senior Pastor had been preaching a series of sermon on the Blood of Jesus and that was also a main highlight in the G12 conference when Ps Cesar brought about the important on the blood of Jesus.
When the lead singer from Delirious? shared with us that he once question Ps Cesar “What will you preach if you have to preach for the last sermon of your life?”, the answer was “THE BLOOD OF JESUS”. I questioned myself at that moment what is the conviction on the blood of Jesus in my heart. I was doubtful and confused when I reflect on the blood of Jesus. I knew at the back of my mind that the blood of Jesus had removed the sin of our life and bring the purity to cleanse our worldly heart and it is a living sacrifice that God has offered in order to reconcile us back to him. But somehow it didn’t bring a conviction to my heart and I was confused that had I being walking in the knowledge of men and what I believed didn’t come from the spirit.

It was heavy as I think about it as I did not want to gain the knowledge from men but truly from the spirit of God. I prayed for God to input a fresh revelation to me on THE BLOOD OF JESUS. And he was faithful in answering the desire of my heart for this revelation. It occurred to me one morning, which was 2 days after the G12 conference when the lord revel to me a fresh insight on the blood of Jesus.
In my usual daily routine on my way to school that morning, I tuned in to the worship songs in my mp3. I’m not sure of the reason but somehow I decided to listen to the old worship songs in my mp3 which were downloaded 2 years back. I chanced upon this song in which the music and the lyrics caught my attention. “What could wash away my sin? NOTHING BUT THE BLOOD OF JESUS” The title of this song was NOTHING BUT The BLOOD OF JESUS. As I was seeking for the revelation from God about the blood of Jesus, I asked God what he is trying to convey his message to me. I try to reason out with God that indeed I already knew that the blood of Jesus has washed away my sin but I need a stronger conviction. And what broke me was when God showed me 1 Peter 1:18-19:

"For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you from your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect."
At that moment I sensed God telling me,
“My child, have you not know that your life is so precious to me that I didn’t redeemed you using silver or Gold but I truly REDEEMED YOU WITH THE PRECIOUS BLOOD OF CHRIST.”
I felt sad at how shallow I am in not understanding the heart of my heavenly father. It touches my heart and I am so grateful that my life was redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. How could a father sacrificed his own son on the cross just to redeem a sinner like us.And as I recalled back on what Ps Cesar shared during the G12 conference, he asked us to declare that we will exchange our DNA with Jesus’s DNA. And yes, at that moment when God gave me a fresh revelation on the redemption of my life through Jesus’s blood, I could feel the power of his DNA flowing in me. Thanks God for this wonderful DNA in which nothing is more worthy to trade for it in my life. I prayed that God will activate this DNA in me in which he did and teach me to work in every area of my life through the DNA of Jesus Christ.

Monday, April 28, 2008 . 7:10 AM

“Even though I walk through
The valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
For you are with me,
Your rod and your staff,
They comfort me.”
~Psalm 23:4~

As I sit through Pastor Kong’s sermon yesterday, the lord minister deeply in my heart. I recognized a certain fear in myself and that is “The Fear of the Valley”. You must be surprised by what did I mean by “The Fear of the Valley”.

I remembered two years ago, I went to Turkey during the summer season for a holiday trip with my sister. And one of the most unforgettable events is the 1 hour Hot Air Balloon ride. We had to get up as early as 5am and travel down to a deep valley in order to have our hot air balloon started. You definitely have to get into your hot air balloon in the valley as hot air rises in a cold atmosphere. The journey was very long. We took about 1hr45min in order to get to the bottom of the valley by a mini bus. It was summer time but when we stepped out of our mini bus, the temperature deep down in the valley was freezing. It was around 10 degree Celsius. Can you imagine how we shiver as we stood there waiting for the balloon to set up.

Well, why do I share about this experience in the valley? To me, I do not like the valley at all! I find it scary. It was surrounded by huge mountains along the side and the sunlight that cast into the valley is very faint. Even though, there is sunlight, it is often cold sunlight because of the surrounding. People who live in the valley do not know the world at the other side of the mountain and they have to travel for hours in other to get their groceries to stock up in their home.

As I read through the scripture, I realize that the valley describe was often so scary like valley of Baca and the valley of the shadow of death and often when I face difficulties in life, I felt like I’m falling into the valley where darkness seem to surround me. Currently, I’m in my third year of studies in NTU. My result was pretty poor and I didn’t manage to get into a good attachment company. I struggle because I felt inferior in my studies especially when there is great competition in results among each other in the university. And when friends started asking about each other grades, I will just keep quiet, hoping that no one would ask me. After sometimes, I realized this build up an unhealthy mindset in me, trying to put in my own effort rather then relying on God’s strength.

However, I thank God for delivering this fear in my studies. As I stepped forward for the ministry section yesterday, God allows me to understand my situation. I saw myself struggling in a deep valley. My mind was filled with so much uncertainty in every step I take and surrounded me was thick cloud of the worldly mentality. I recognized more of the comments from the world rather then listening to the plan that God has for me. I was spiritually blinded. I thought I was managing well in fighting that off, but I was wrong.

The lord shows me the scripture which I have memorized,

“As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of spring; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.”
Psalm 84:6.

The lord asks me this question, “Are you willing to make the valley into a place of spring?” He has a great plan for me; there is no worry about my future or whether I’m able to get honors in my studies. God is more interested to mould me in my character. He wanted me to surrender wholly my studies upon him and put my trust in his plan. Only then will I find delight and strength in him. The journey in the valley is definitely tough and long. But am I able to turn in into a place of spring and know that I’m not alone in it. God is always there with me and only when I listen and walk in his will, I will eventually see the blessing at the other side of the mountain waiting for me!

God Bless you!
Si Jia

Sunday, December 9, 2007 . 8:07 AM

I came across this email by one of my professor in NTU. It was about a story call “Frogs” which I find it good to share with all of you. Here it goes…

Once upon a time, there was a bunch of tiny frogs who arranged a running competition. The goal was to reach the top of a very high tower. A big crowd had gathered around the tower to see the race and cheer on the contestants…

The race began…
No one in the crowd really believed that the tiny frogs would reach the top of the tower. You heard statement such as:
Oh, Way too difficult!!”
They will never make it to the top!!” or “Not a chance they will succeed. The tower is too high!”

The tiny frogs began collapsing one by one… except for those who in a fresh tempo, were climbing higher and higher… The crowd continued to yell,” It is too difficult!! No one will make it!”

More tiny frogs got tired and gave up… but one continued higher and higher and higher… This one wouldn’t give up!

At the end everyone else had given up climbing the tower, except for the one tiny frog who, after a big effort, was the only one who reached the top! Then all the other tin frogs naturally wanted to find out how this one frog managed to do it? A contestant asked this tiny frog how he had found the strength to succeed and reach a goal?

It turned out… That the winner was DEAF!!!

The wisdom of this story is:
Never listen to other people’s tendencies to be negative or pessimistic… No because they take your most wonderful dreams and wishes away from you – the ones you have in your heart. Always think of the power of the words. Everything you hear and read will affect your thinking and action!

Always be … POSITIVE!

And above all:
Be deaf when people tell you that you cannot fulfil your dreams!


In our life, we are often being discouraged and affected by negative words from others. Sometimes, we take it to heart seriously and believe that it’s true that we are not good enough to fulfil our dream and because of that, we lowered down our goal. We start to lose hope and motivation in the things we do.

Therefore, words are powerful. The words we read and listen will strongly affect our action. So, today I encourage all of you to always have a positive thinking and not to be affected by what others say about you. In another way round, we should also learn to speak words of encouragement to our family and friends. Give them words of motivation! You may never know that your words can impact one person to fulfil his or her dream!

“To the world, you might be one person; but to one person you might be the world.”